Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber St. Thomas Byfoged, St. Thomas Politikontor
Arkivserie Politijournaler
Indhold 1804 - 1812
(Alle billeder i serien):
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Folionummer 95
Sted St. Thomas

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Dato 20-09-1810
Beskrivelse af sagen/sagerne (fortsætter fra folio 94) Torsdag 20de. - Betienterne Bergesen og Lefevre paa Ordinantz og de øvrige pattroullerer. - I Følge en fra Hans Excellence Generalen til Politimesteren indløben Fortegnelse paa een Deserteur fra Kongeskonnerten Elisabeth ført af Capt. Dwyer, blev Politibetienterne strax meddeelt fornødne Ordres til hans Paagribelse. - I Gaar indløb Skrivelse fra Hans Excellence Generalen hvorved han tilkiendegiver sin Tilfredshed med hvad der fra Politiets Side er foretaget i Anledning hr. Brochmands Klage.

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Dato 21-09-1810
Beskrivelse af sagen/sagerne Fredag 21de. - Betienterne Christen Nielsen og Bork paa Ordinantz og de øvrige pattroullere. - I Gaar Aftes blev efter Kapitain Sommersels Begiøring arresteret 3 af hans Matroser for Opsætsighed mod Styrmanden, . En Frinegerinde navnlig Mary Taylor der var død uden at efterlade sig noget til at bestride Begravelses Omkostninger, blev foranstaltet begravet paa LandCassens Regning. -

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Dato 22-09-1810
Beskrivelse af sagen/sagerne Løverdag 22de. - Betienterne Hans Nielsen og Bergesen paa Ordinantz og de øvrige pattroullere. - Relaxeret Negeren Jacob, som i Gaar Aftes af Pattroullen blev optagen, med 35 Slag for Justitsstøtten. -

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Dato 23-09-1810
Beskrivelse af sagen/sagerne Søndag 23de. - Betienterne Bork og Lefevre paa Ordinantz og de øvrige pattroullere. -

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Dato 24-09-1810
Beskrivelse af sagen/sagerne Mandag 24de. - Betienterne Hans Nielsen og Lefevre paa Ordinantz og de øvrige Pattroullere. - Sistafvigte Løverdag blev atter en Matros arresteret efter Capt. Sommersels Forlangende. -

Sagsnummer Kunne ikke udfyldes
Dato 25-09-1810
Beskrivelse af sagen/sagerne Tirsdag 25de. - Betienterne C. Nielsen og Bergesen paa Ordinantz og de øvrige pattroullere. -

Sagsnummer Kunne ikke udfyldes
Dato 26-09-1810
Beskrivelse af sagen/sagerne Onsdag 26de. - Betienterne Bork og Hans Jørgen paa Ordinantz og de øvrige pattroullerer. - Attesteret en Regning for Reparation af Hiulbøre til Last LandCassen stor $ 8 - Modtaget følgende skrivelse fra Hans Excellence General Maclean: Sir! Considering the State of indigence sufficiently proved by those free coloured people whereon Levies have been made in pursuance of sentences posed on them for not having taken out freebriefs, I do hereby not only remit the fines incurred by them but have given directions to the Secretarys office to issue their free briefs gratis, which I have no doubt, will be emitated in your office and by the Kings attorney - I do not think myself authorised entirely to remit the tax due for free briefs to the LandCasse and you will be pleased according to your own discretion to take their bonds payable to the Burghercouncil in twelve months or at a longer period where of such Individual has to produce your receipt to the Secretary before a freebrief will be issued and delivered. It was never my intention to destress such free people as cannot really afford to pay either the tax or the fees of Office for their Briefs. The Placard of the 14th of May was considered requisite, not alone as a nessessary renuval of the existing Laws and Ordinances but is a measure highly important to ascertain the number of free people in the Island, to become better acquianted with thier characters and principally to afford you the best oppurtunity to take cognisance of whatsoever should be known in your office of that class of people whose conduit is watched with proper attention in every Westindian Colony and who an account of the number of foreign subjects in this Island become an object of the most assiduous and vigilant superintendance of the Police. - In consideration of these motives I repeat my former order, that all such free people residing in this Island as are not provided with their Brief in due form, shall be bound to take them out, leaving it as in the former instance to your discretion to grant them time for the payment of the tax to the Country Treasury (fortsætter på folio 96)

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