Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Vestindiske Regering
Arkivserie Gruppeordnede sager: Matrikeloplysningsskemaer
Indhold for plantagerne, St. Thomas 1804 -
(Alle billeder i serien):
Øverst på siden
Årstal 1804
Øens navn Kunne ikke udfyldes
Navnet på kvarteret West End
Gadenavn og husnr. (evt. husnavn) eller plantagenavn og matrikelnr. Botany Bay
Slaveejerens navn Sheridan & Rashleigh
Navn og status (Slave/Fri)
Navn Kunne ikke udfyldes
Slave eller Fri 49 Slaves
Anden tekst
Anden tekst på siden The present owners of this estate have put up a new and complete sets of works and have forwarded the estate as much as their small gang would adjust of and only wants strength of negroes to improve it still more. The negro houses are well situated on a fine healthy Bay near the sea, no swamp or pond near them and sheltered from the north and northeast wind. The grounds allowed to each negro to plant is about one acre or more if they work it and which is allotted to them and not made use of for any other purpose.