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Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
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Indhold 1826 - 1833
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Folio number 3

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Main text mainly from the jealousy of the new Republics which resulted in the failure of the tobacco culture. However, after some time I succeeded in obtaining the Nopal plant, and from my garden I have given away so many new shoots that among others Ridder Lang has laid out a plantation with this plant. But the Cochineal animal I wasn't - despite all my applied trouble and cost - able to obtain. At last the French Admiral Duporré, who also worked on introducing it in the French colonies and who had received some plants from me, recently sent me the Cochineal animal. If we will succeed in getting this insect to breed here, for which there are the best chances, then Admiral Duporré has done St. Croix such an eminent favour that, since at any occasion while commanding the French fleet in the Westindies he has tried to be of use to Your Majesty's Colonies and also is one of, if not the most meritorious and influential naval officer in the French navy, I dare ask you for a reward for him. Most humbly B. 

Report number 2
Date 20-07-1826
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Main text In the margin it says: Orgnl: with Capitn. Ney over Hamburg ------ Most humble statement. /: On Major v: Chabert's most humble application to the King regarding most humbly to be granted forage money for a hourse :/ Major v. Chabert has served around 20 years, is company commander since 8 years, has had the rank of major for 3 years, is the oldest officer in your Majesty's West Indian forces and will, if any negro rebellion or such should occur, be acting almost like a battalion commander. For these reasons I most humbly recommend his application, however without consequences for others or for the future. Neither can it have consequences for St. Thomas where the number of plantation negroes is little and the most important purpose of the garrison is to keep order in town, whereas St. Croix has a slave population of more than 20000 negroes, spread all over the country. Most humbly B.  

Report number 3
Date 15-08-1826
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Main text In the margin it says: Orgnl.: with the packet ship. Dupl. with Capitn: Mammon over Hamburg ------- Most humble report. In this moment your Majesty's Brig St. Croix arrived just outside. Since its presence is so highly needed on St. Thomas where it has been longed for during a month, I sent instructions with the pilot boat for Captain Lieutenant Dahlerup not to enter here but just deliver the mail bag. As he didn't bring any instructions from your Majesty that might change the decision I have immediately sent him to St. Thomas. And though the postmaster there has informed me that the English packet ship was planned to sail from there like the day before yesterday, as it sometimes is delayed for a couple of days I will try to send your Majesty this report which the brig can bring to St. Thomas. All is well on board the brig, however the Captain has been ill during the outward journey. Most humbly B.

Report number 4
Date 06-09-1826
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Main text In the margin it says: Orgl. with Capitn: Ney. over Hamburg Dupl: with Capitn: Carreio. Brig Findlay over Hamburg --------- Most humble report. I hereby have the honor most humbly to inform your Majesty that I have granted first lieutenant v. Strandgaard of the Westindian Artillery, permission to travel to North America for a couple of months. During his absence Captain v. Magens is in charge of the civilian offices and lieutenant Tornè of the military one. Your Majesty's utmost command of 1st February this year: about purchase of American firearms, I've ordered the lieutenant to execute. Most humbly B.  

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