Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1826 - 1833
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Main text here, and we have a considerable amount to send home, I shall according to Your Majesty's highest order let the brig leave; and I shall before that time most humbly report when and how much we can send home. Work and Rest was purchased for 1000 rd. plus administration cost that according to statement of the Probate Court amounts to approx. 82.000 rd. Most humbly B.

Report number 21
Date 09-12-1826
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Main text In the margin it says: Orgnl: with Captain Tikjøb. ----- To the King! Enclosed most humbly find the lists of the Militia, the fire brigades and the night watchmen on Your Majesty's West Indian Islands for 2nd and 3rd quarter this year;, - Most humbly B.

Report number 22
Date 08-12-1826
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Main text In the margin it says: Orgnl: with Captain Tikjøb Dupl: with Captain Toesbye via Hamburg ----- Most gracious King! I most humbly have to report the death of the worthy Militia Commander, Lieutenant Colonel, Knight Krause, it happened this morning. The Deputy Militia Commander, Major Smith, on 20th September last year handed in his resignation because of blindness together with a statement from Doctor Stedmann that he is not likely to regain his sight. Both documents are most humbly attached.  Your Majesty would most graciously forgive the incorrect form of the application considering the major's blindness which prevents him from writing himself. Later on I have asked him to provide a statement whether his health has improved or give any hope about fast recovery. But unfortunately he hasn't yet any hope to regain his sight, and I therefore dare to ask a merciful dismissal is granted him. As I considered Major de Nully the best qualified among the planters to once step into the Militia Commander post, and as I expected that he would soon come out here, I withheld Major Smith's application, hoping to be able to most humbly suggest Major de Nully for Deputy Militia Commander at the same time as I handed in Major Smith's request for retirement. But Major de Nully is still absent, though expected out here. Under these circumstances when the Militia Commander fell ill on 5th December 1826 I was forced to temporarily appoint Captain Heyliger Deputy Militia Commander, as I consider him the most qualified among the present planters. Therefore most humbly I propose Major de Nully for Militia Commander and Captain Heyliger for Deputy Militia Commander. Major de Nully has served in Your Majesty's army and is highly respected among the planters. Captain Heyliger has earned much merit for the organization of the cavalry, especially of the Prince's Life Squardron, which he has brought to a good state. Since 25th September 1824 he has commanded the entire cavalry. Since 5th July 1823 with much enthusiasm and care he has served as Road Master without any payment. While the Island was occupied by the Englishmen he was Colonial Adjutant with a Lieutenant Colonel's character. He is highly respected among the inhabitants and has, according to my wish, with excellent warmth worked to eradicate the inhabitants' prejudice against colored people's employment in the militia. For some time I've believed that since the climate has a strong impact exhausting the Europeans, it would be desirable to increase our forces with a suitable number of the best and most reliable colored people, who could serve Your Majesty's troops and perhaps the Militia itself as vanguard and side guards or [cannotread] and in the event of negro rebellion not only cover the different corps, but hunt up and trace the enemy in bushes and hills where it is often rather impossible  

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