Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1826 - 1833
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Folio number 8

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Main text As it has to beat up against the trade wind and current it will hardly get here today. On 5th May 1825 I informed Your Majesty's minister for foreign affairs that I had private news that the English government had sent instructions to their colonies not to hand over foreign slaves who might flee there. I dared to imagine how most important this situation is for the Danish colonies, especially considering our proximity to Tortola, and I asked for a possible prevention of this evil. I also wrote about this to Count Molkte in London. Today I have the honor to send to Your Majesty's foreign department a transcript of a message from Governor Søbøtker including his correspondence with President Porter at Tortola which shows officially that the English Governments indeed have such instructions and are acting according to them. Assuming that Your Majesty - in my own name and without authorization - would want me to resort to reprisals, and since considerable desertion might happen from St. Jan before highest instructions could be received, knowing that there is only a moderate swim from St. Jan to Tortola, I have forwarded an order to Governor Søbøtker, of which I most humbly attach a transcript. Most humbly B.

Report number 16
Date 16-11-1826
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Main text In the margin it says: Orgnl: with Captain Juul. Dupl: with Captain Tikjøb. ----- Most humble Report! I have the honour to inform that Your Majesty's corvette has arrived here this morning. All well on board, except for one man who fell over board and drowned. Most humbly B.

Report number 17
Date 17-11-1826
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Main text In the margin it says: Orgnl: with Captain Juul Dupl: with Captain Tikjøb. ----- Most gracious King! The royal directorate for the State Debt on 9th September informed me of Your Majesty's highest resolution of 2nd of the same month, that, as most humbly suggested by me, there should be nothing against the brig taking home the gold which the West Indian Government should want to send home, and that the money which is thus sent home in the royal war ships does not need to be insured, in fact the insurance premium can be saved, because the speed of the war ships is considered sufficiently secure. It was according to the royal Chamber of Customs' express order of 14th July 1825 that the Government took out at policy in England for the money that were sent home on the corvette Diana. And since none of the members of the Government knew any merchant in London, and in case we approached a stranger, we would risk that he rejected our request, so that the order of the Chamber of Customs could not be fulfilled, we had to approach one here. If we have failed I very much ask your forgiveness. We acted with the best of intentions and to the best of our belief. I still dare to make the most humble observation that Dunlop who performed the insurance and who have asked to have the premium paid here, hasn't demanded any commission for his effort, and therefore I assume that Baring Brothers & Co. have asked for it without order from Dunlop. Since the premium, however, seems to have been paid both in Copenhagen and here we should without hesitation take the necessary steps against Dunlop's Properties here to protect Your Majesty's interests. Most humbly B.

Report number 18
Date 21-11-1826
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Main text Most humbly Report!

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