Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1826 - 1833
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Folio number 6
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Main text Payments and Customs get so much smaller. Furthermore we have still much sugar in your Majesty's plantations. Therefore I have encouraged merchants here to charter English or American ships to bring the sugar to Copenhagen. But at present it hasn't been possible to get any. They want to be chartered months in advance. And they do not dare that, since Danish ships may arrive in the meantime. It's very hard for the Colony that the Copenhagen merchants haven't [cannotread] enough for our sugar trade. Concerning Political news there is none of importance at the moment. Your Majesty's brig is said to have left Laguayra on the 3rd to go to Puerto Cabello. I have sent your Majesty's foreign department some proclamations issued in Carraccas and in Valencia throwing no light on the conditions there. St. Thomas' trade with Hajti is starting to look brighter. Most humbly B.
Report number 10
Date 17-10-1826
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Main text In the margin it says: Orgnl: with Capitn: Carreio. Brig Findlay over Hamburg. Dupl: with Capitn: Juul. ----------- Most gracious King! In continuation of my most humble reports of 8th and 11th this month I have the honour to inform that a couple of days ago we received a proclamation from the Quartermaster in Venezuela Don C. Mendoza, dated Caraccas 10th September, in which he announces that he has official news that Bolivar has arrived in Truxillo. Thus the situation will soon reach a conclusion. I have, however, no hope that anything else than complete acknowledgement will move any of the parties to reduce the burdens on the Danish trade. Most humbly B.
Report number 11
Date 06-11-1826
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Main text In the margin it says: Orgnl: with Paketten Dupl: with Captn: Juul. ------- Most gracious King! Since my most humble report of 11th October 1826 a ship from Copenhagen and 2 from Flensburg have arrived. However, only the ship from Copenhagen is of benefit to the export of the last harvest, because the other two ships dare not go home immediately fearing the winter and the ice in the Danish waters. The lack of Danish ships has caused a part of our sugar being sent to America lately. Thank God the hurricane season this year has passed without accidents. The harvest has shown us how much more damage the last hurricane caused on the sugar than we expected. Before the hurricane it seemed most probable that we would have produced a harvest of between 35 to 40.000 casks of sugar and even though the weather after the storm was favorable we only exported 24.000 casks, wherefore we have to assume that the country has lost approximately one million rix-dollars: West-Indian courant exclusively because of the damage the storm last year did to the sugar canes. But regardless of the fact that we have not had any hurricane this year, I fear that our approaching harvest will hardly reach the level of the last one, as we have been missing rain. Lately, however, we have had good rain and if this weather continues I hope for a tolerably good, though late harvest. A Colombian war brig has allowed itself some minor disorders against our Puertorican trade, but since I sent your Majesty's brig down to keep an eye with him, he seems to have disappeared. Yesterday I received some accusations from the Governor at Puertorico against several inhabitants at St. Thomas that they should have armed a Colombian privateer. I have ordered Governor Søbøtker to investigate the incident and will strive to arrange it in the best manner. As soon as I hear the true facts of the matter I shall most humbly report about it. I most humbly dare to send my warmest and deepest thank you for your Majesty's gracious goodness towards my eldest son. I flatter
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