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Dansk Vestindien
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Indhold 1816 - 1826
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Folio number 78
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Main text recommend to be employed as colonial adjutant on St. Thomas instead of agent Eckard.
Your comments
Report number 110
Date 09-06-1818
Copybook number 127
Main text I hereby have the honor most humbly to forward the departures and additions list for the West Indian Infantry and Artillery for the month of May.-
Report number 111
Date 09-06-1818
Copybook number 128
Main text Most humble report! Following the death of attorney Holtermann /: who has fallen in a duel with secretary P. Borch, whereof in proper time most humble reporting will occur:/ the enclosed letter /: in translation:/ with related attachment, arrived from America, and was delivered to the probate court. Since this lampoon to the editor partly concerns Your Majesty’s government, although the main intent though really is to demolish my reputation, I have considered it my duty to forward same, particularly because it perfectly serves to disclose the state of mind and intentions of this departed disturber of the peace, who, as rumor has it, at home shall not have lacked defenders. Your Majesty will there from further see how the American press is a surefire vehicle for anyone who will anonymously satisfy evil passions and most gracefully glean the extent to which Your Majesty’s officials in the West Indies, in the execution of their duty, which cannot always occur without inconvenience for individuals, are exposed to be mistreated, as every malefactor naturally resorts to this easy means of revenge, which experience teaches us, he can use unpunished and un-contradicted.-
Report number 112
Date 10-06-1818
Copybook number 129
Main text Most humble report! On the 8th of May, last, I mustered the 2nd companies situated here and found same rather well drilled. On the 7th, instant, on St. Thomas, I mustered the garrison there and found it likewise rather well drilled and orderly in attitude and dress. I have furthermore made a change in the drill and instead of merely drilling in June and July, as was, for reasons unfathomable to me, done here previously