Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1816 - 1826
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Folio number 57
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Main text -material, live oak and red cedar. After extended absence of pirates, who during this time mainly have stayed between Vera Cruz, Havanna, and the Bahamas channel, we are now again plagued.  In  the strait near St. Thomas so many plunders were committed that during my stay on St. Thomas, I found it necessary, for a few days, to order out both the frigate  Minerva and the schooner Macaria, both of which were in harbor, to clear the passage between St. Thomas and Puerto Rico; after some days of cruising, however, they returned without having spied anything. The only trade route which supports St. Thomas and which brings any revenue to Your Majesty’s Treasury, is the one which is operated, partly by goods being sent from St. Thomas to the continental coast, ranging from Laguira to Panama, and partly by Piasters being sent from those places to St. Thomas for the purchase of dry goods. The independency movements are defeated both in Venezuela and Mexico, and particularly in Santa Fe, confidence is gaining and business of great significance would be occurring presently had it not been for the fact that the insurgents, as they are chased from the land are increasing on the seas, and as their prospects decline, are adopting more and more piracy ways. Previously, Your Majesty’s flag has been reasonably respected, in recent weeks, however, considerable sums and goods have on multiple occasions been removed from Danish vessels and accordingly, the trade with the continental coast is nearly at the point of having been ruined. The English navy, does not appear to be willing to do anything despite the most striking insults against the flag (for example: The removal of a Spanish passenger and $4000 from an English packet. They simply protect the transfer of money between St. Martha and Jamaica and thereby acquire for that island great advantages, which would, if some security existed for the passage, surely accrue to St. Thomas, which, on the contrary, is in a position to supply the Spaniards with the articles they seek on Jamaica. Given these circumstances, for the respect of the flag and for enforcement, for protection of the trade, and especially to display, among the pirates, a powerful man of war and make them think twice about what they carry out against the Danish flag, I have ordered the frigate Minerva on a cruise as specified in the attached order in duplicate. I hope for the best result from that journey and I fancy that my action may prove worthy of Your Majesty’s supreme applause and be it so, most humbly request general approval to repeat that action 2 to 3 times per year if it so should appear necessary. The majority of the ves-
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