Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1816 - 1826
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Folio number 16
Report number No. 12
Date 25-01-1817
Copybook number 30
Main text To the King! I have, hereby, the honor most humbly to communicate to Your Majesty the departure and entry lists for the 3rd West Indian infantry companies for the months of November and December, together with the 4th quarter’s listings for the citizens’ militias on St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. Jan.
Your comments
Report number No. 13
Date 17-02-1817
Copybook number 31
Main text To the King! Upon receipt of war assessor Didrichsen’s application to carry the army’s ensign, concerning which Your Majesty has commanded me to make my most humble declaration, I was sorely surprised as it was completely unknown to me that any supernumerary captain of cavalry existed at the Prince’s Life Squadron, where on the lists, Didrichsen merely appeared as Officer a la suite. From the archives, nothing could be gleaned as the establishment of the Prince’s Life Squadron occurred during the time brevetted captain Louis v. Chabert was adjutant and secretary to lieutenant general von Oxholm, during which period, no proper books were maintained. I, then, approached the city colonel, whose attached answer shows that he is of the same situation as I am, and when I, first by myself, and subsequently through my adjutant demanded further information by declaration from the currently commanding first lieutenant Bushby, the two attached letters containing notarized translations, which appear to show that Didrichsen, not only has not held any supernumerated position as captain of cavalry, but in a way may be said to have hired himself, but only as supernumerated officer, and it, according to custom and usage here, does not necessary follow that he should retain the rank he may have had in other militia service. Likewise, for example, a certain Robson, who had been some sort of militia captain on Puerto Rico is merely employed as supernumerary officer by general v. Oxholm, which is very suitable, as otherwise, we might easily acquire an entirely disproportional number of captains a la suite, - and I, myself have followed the example by employing a young man (Otto Müller), who had been captain in American service, as second lieutenant a la suite at the citizens’ company. The provisions of the militia law