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Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1816 - 1826
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Folio number 76
Report number Kunne ikke udfyldes
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Main text I fulfill a sad duty by most humbly reporting to Your Majesty that Commodore Johannes Krieger, commander of the Order of the Dannebrog, has departed in death on the 12th, last month on St. Thomas and that he was buried with appropriate military honors the following day at the Garrison Graveyard.- The Commodore was, upon the departure of the frigate Minerva for St. Martha/: of which, under date of the 3rd this month, most humble report was made:) so weak that per the advice of all physicians, he remained here, and captain Uldahl, knight of the Order of the Dannebrog, is accordingly now in command.-
Your comments
Report number 105
Date 19-05-1818
Copybook number 122
Main text Most humble endorsement on lieutenant Hage’s application for salary for the time he has given service.- The service of the supplicant has not been of any great consequence but the circumstance that his outfitting here must have cost him more than at home is consistent with the truth and I must therefore recommend the application for Your Majesty’s supreme discretion.-
Report number 106
Date 23-05-1818
Copybook number 123
Main text Most humble declaration upon P. Duurloo’s application for employment as officer by the West Indian Troops.- The applicant is no longer, at all, a young man, re-married, in pecuniary circumstances, and does not have any of the experiences or training that could make him suitable for officer, and I therefore do not at all dare to recommend his application but must simply present same for Your Majesty’s supreme discretion.
Report number 107
Date 27-05-1818
Copybook number 124
Main text Most humble report! We now have, again, intelligence about new advantages which one of general Morillo’s subordinate commanders, brigadier Don Miguel de la Torre has, on the 2nd of May, gained over the insurgent leader Paez at the village of Cogede. The Spanish bulletin reports the losses of the insurgents as 1000 men; but I find a suspicious circumstance, namely that general Morillo who previously reported from Calabozo, now reports from Valencia, a movement back which does not very well correspond with the repeated