Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1816 - 1826
(Alle billeder i serien):

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Folio number 35

Report number 45
Date 01-07-1817
Copybook number 63
Main text Most humble report! When I learned that numerous planters, during these times of expensive provisions and during the persistent drought, got the idea, instead of giving rations of foodstuffs as usually, to give the negroes Saturday off, and when, at the same time, on several locations in the country, entirely suspicious fire occurred, which I, especially in one case, judge to be connected to the displeasure the deprivation of the usual provisions naturally must cause among the field negroes, I notified the plantation owners in question in the above case, and the city colonel, as shown in the exhibited copies. –

Report number 46
Date 04-07-1817
Copybook number 64
Main text Attached, I have honor to forward the lists for the citizen’s militias for St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. Jan for the 2nd quarter, this year.

Report number 47
Date 04-07-1817
Copybook number 65
Main text I hereby have the honor to forward the additions and departures list for the 3rd west indian infantry companies and the artillery for the month of June.-

Report number 48
Date 23-07-1817
Copybook number 66
Main text Under today’s date, I have issued the inspector at St. Croix’s Militia Cavalry, Major de Nully, travel permit for Copenhagen; which I have the honor hereby most humbly to report to Your Royal Majesty.-

Report number 49
Date 23-07-1817
Copybook number 67
Main text Most Humble report! In order, according to Your Majestate’s supreme will, to introduce the Danish regulations to the militia here as soon as possible, I have, to train officers and crews, employed as drill master, first lieutenant v. Ræmke, at an annual compensation of 750 Rd. from the treasury for as long as it is considered necessary for him to function in this capacity, where upon I most humbly apply for most gracious approval.

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