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Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1816 - 1826
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Folio number 24

Report number Kunne ikke udfyldes
Date Kunne ikke udfyldes
Copybook number Kunne ikke udfyldes
Main text humble declaration on second lieutenant Ch. V. Chabert’s application dated 26th of July, last year, have noted and I therefore most humbly recommend the applicant for Your Majesty’s most graceful granting of his prayer.-

Report number No. 22
Date 31-03-1817
Copybook number 40
Main text Most humble declaration upon sergeant Kruse’s application to be employed in a civilian craft.- Since, according to the unanimous testimony of his superiors, non-commissioned officer Kruse’s good conduct makes him especially worthy of assistance and his illness /:of which I am now informed:/ destroys any hope of his successfully continuing his military career, I can do nothing other than most humbly recommend the applicant for Your Majesty’s grace as an opportunity arises.

Report number No. 23
Date 14-04-1817
Copybook number 41
Main text I hereby have the honor most humbly to forward the lists of St. Croix’s, St. Thomas’, and St. Jan’s citizen militias for 1st quarter.-

Report number No. 24
Date 14-04-1817
Copybook number 42
Main text Attached, I have the honor to forward the departure and entry list for the 3rd West Indian companies for the month of March.-

Report number No. 25
Date 28-04-1817
Copybook number 43
Main text The daily experience convinces me that Your Royal Majesty’s Service and Finances suffer equally from the physically poor subjects which are sent to the West Indies as recruits; these people whose condition is impacted by immoral or miserable life styles, either die immediately or spend a majority of their time in the Hospital where the extra care, in the form of Madeira Wine, distilled spirits, etc. and etc.,  necessitated by this climate, make the costs fearfully high; as an example hereof, I most humbly attach an accounting for 2 soldiers, the cost for one of which from June 15th 1815 to April 1817 has been 1169 Rixdollars and the other, for approximately the same time 848 Rixdollars, 5 Marks, 3 Shilling. I have long considered how this might be alleviated and I take the liberty, on that matter, to submit to Your Royal Majesty -

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