Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1816 - 1826
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Folio number 23

Report number 19
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Main text -lin and weapons skills like it has never been; I have, however amply recognized the excessiveness inherent in placing upon City Colonel Krause all the oversight and correspondence which on this occasion might have been required, for Krause is a man of few means who must also use his time to earn a living and, besides, is now old, and I have, therefore found it necessary, by my own work, to furnish that which was lacking; however, to sustain that which has been accomplished and to make permanent those improvements in the condition of the militia, roads, and rural police which was yet to be done, it is necessary to have a capable City Colonel who cannot be had without salary. Given, however, that the City Colonel is elected by the citizenry, he must be assumed to already have something on which to live and it is therefore not necessary by regulation, to set his salary as if it were to constitute his sole resource. For this reason, I believe that 26-2800 Rixdollars, the one half of which would be drawn from Your Majesty and the other from the Land Treasury, might be viewed as a suitable compensation for the services of the City Colonel, considering that absent that, one would have to recruit, not among the qualified, but among the wealthy, and consequently put the service at the risk of not being cared for. For these reasons, I dare most humbly to recommend for the consideration of Your Royal Majesty such a salary for City Colonel Krause and those who follow him. The other part of the application regarding Lieutenant Colonel Krause’s length of service is compatible with the truth and additionally in his favor is the fact that by resolution dated September 3rd, 1805, Your Majesty has commanded that he, at that time as Major, should have the command over Castonier.

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