Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1816 - 1826
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Folio number 20

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Main text -ing to my opinion thus to have transgressed in such a manner that very severe punishments should be visited upon them when due regard is taken of the Colonial Constitution and the times and in such a manner as exceeds the authority, most graciously vested in me by Your Royal Majesty, to inflict. Those persons I considered to be of this class, I have, of consequence, allowed to be indicted before the Commission to which, in this instance, an extension of commission has been given, for which extension I shall, through the Council, apply for Your Royal Majesty’s sanction, as previously this has happened here when, in extraordinary circumstances, Chief Commissioners have been appointed by the authorities. Others among those arrested do not appear, though guilty of punishable offences, to have transgressed to such a degree as to expect that long term or indefinite incarceration would eventually be applied and to these I have, by decree, awarded some days of imprisonment on water and bread and placed them, for several or fewer years, under special observation by the Police. The reasons which hereto have compelled me are first, the severity inherent in holding under arrest persons whose punishment can only warrant short prison terms for as long a period as of necessity follows with a case, which will, in the end, be decided by Your Royal Majesty’s Supreme Court, and second, the heavy and useless expenditures the boarding of these prisoners would place on the Treasury of the Realm, and finally, my conviction that, in this case, a few examples will have as much utility as many, even if one or another of the thus arbitrarily punished might, by strict construction, qualify for something more than imprisonment on water and bread. All of these I have, though, given the choice of submitting to the decree or allowing the case to proceed to judgment, with the exception of the colored police officer Frisberg whose immediate punishment I considered necessary in order to compel the other police officers to their duties and since, given the sentiments, a mob may reappear today or tomorrow, it is of substance to have police on whom one dare rely. The case document, will, when, in time, it is repatriated, also show that he has adequately earned his punishment. Two there are, besides who formed their own category and whom I have banned from the realm; the o-

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