Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1816 - 1826
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Folio number 19

Report number Kunne ikke udfyldes
Date Kunne ikke udfyldes
Copybook number Kunne ikke udfyldes
Main text through it, to ascertain Your Majesty’s will.- My correspondence, partly regarding this detained schooner, and partly regarding the leaders Don Simon Bolivar and Admiral Louis Brion, I have directed to the Department of Foreign Affairs in order, through them, to be placed before Your Royal Majesty.

Report number 16
Date 20-02-1817
Copybook number 34
Main text To the King! Attached, I have the honor to forward the departure and entry list for the 3rd west Indian infantry companies for the month of January.-

Report number 17
Date 21-02-1817
Copybook number 35
Main text To the King! Most humble report! Effective January 1st, this year, lieutenant colonel v. Stabell has, again, taken command of the West Indian artillery, which, since the departure of lieutenant general v. Oxholm has been commanded by captain and knight [of the Dannebrog] v. Beck.- Pursuant to my most humble report of January 17th, past, regarding brevetted first lieutenant v. Brucker’s passing, brevetted first lieutenant v. Holten has been ordered additionally to perform artillery officer service in Christiansfort on St. Thomas as no officer could be spared from here.

Report number 18
Date 28-02-1817
Copybook number 36
Main text Most Humble Report! Pursuant to my most humble report dated the 4th of January past, I continue to have the honor to bring to the attention of Your Majesty additional reporting about the mob gathering caused on Second Christmas Day by several free coloreds. The Commission established has now completed its investigation and by perusing the interrogations I have found grounds to modify my decision, as voiced in my previous Most Humble Report, not to let the Case proceed through the Courts. Some appear accord-

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