Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1816 - 1826
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Folio number 14
Report number No. 9
Date 08-01-1817
Copybook number 27
Main text To the King! Most humble report! Second lieutenant v. Hoffmann who has supported his application with the attached certificate of illness from the regimental surgeon Schlegel has received travel permit from me; I have had much very less concern in granting same to him as I can in all truthfulness assure Your Majesty that lieutenant v.  Hoffmann, even if, all expectations to the contrary, should  be able to recover from his bodily weakness in this climate, would, on account of his depressed sentiments and other circumstances, never be able to render any effective service her, where, at current, it is most necessary that the few officers available should be healthy and resolute, and where the fort command, which in Frederiksted now accrues to junior officers, requires more deportment than what can actually be counted on from the young men who are still inexperienced in the service.
Your comments
Report number No. 10
Date 17-01-1817
Copybook number 28
Main text To the King! Brevetted first lieutenant von Brucker passed away yesterday after a short but acute illness.- In this capable and correct officer, Your Majesty has suffered a true loss, which, besides, puts me in the greatest bind since surely none of the officers employed on St. Croix could be spared. As I am currently in official business on this island, I have required of the commandant and the council, until Brucker’s post is filled by Your Majesty, to defer, to the extent possible, all business related to the departments of building inspections, town administrator, and land surveys to avoid the loss for Your Majesty’s treasury and the disagreements between private persons, which an unskilled or improper person in this profession could cause, and I shall immediately upon my return to St. Croix make the arrangements, which in my opinion are most suitable under the circumstances, for the interim care of the artillery service in Chri-