Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Generalguvernementet
Arkivserie Kopibog for skrivelser til kongen
Indhold 1816 - 1826
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Folio number 13
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Main text that the free coloreds alone could mount against us, the impression that colored men did dare to raise themselves in resistance, would be corrupting for slaves who were eye witnesses, and I therefore allowed the time until New Year’s Day to pass quietly and using same for the taking of depositions and collection of any intelligence which could produce proof against the guilty ones. January 2nd, I caused some 20 to be arrested and immediately established an extra ordinaire commission to investigate the occurrence. Since it is absolutely necessary to make an example and cleanse the land of drifters bloated by indigested notions of equality and freedom, which among the freedmen have notably multiplied during the English occupation, and made this entire class unrecognizable compared with what it was 12 to 15 years ago, in the expectation of Your Majesty’s supreme approbation, I intend, as soon as proof has been procured, not to handle this case through the courts but to deport all the guilty ones from the islands by administrative decree; a punishment which, without being too severe in the least way, will put fear into the majority of like minded of color, who, despite not having property, do, however have connections with which they will not be pleased to part, and, which punishment will besides, for all eternity distance us from dangerous subjects. I will expedite the case against the whites with utmost speed. It is important to give the free coloreds proof in hand that there is justice for as well as against them.- Those arrested have behaved tumultuously and defiantly in jail, in a way that clearly exposes their wish to cast off white subordination, however, upon threat of more severe incarceration and the like, they have, in the meanwhile, been brought to order. – By the way, I have taken all necessary precautionary means against what may happen and fear nothing for the time being, but a larger military can surely not be spared without visibly compromising the security of this flowering colony, in the least, such reinforcement is made necessary for some time, after which time, altered circumstances and the passage of time combined with a mindful and firm administration may change the sentiments among these people. – The sentiment among the slaves, by the way, seems to be entirely good – on all plantations where I have observed them they are entirely satisfied – which confirms to me to be the case in general.- I shall, as soon as the case is completed, most humbly return with a complete and documented report. -
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