Bliv indtaster

Dansk Vestindien
Arkivskaber Reviderede Regnskaber, Vestindiske Regnskaber
Arkivserie Matrikel for St. Croix
Indhold 1865 -
(Alle billeder i serien):
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Folio 140
Byens navn/ Øens navn Christiansteds Jurisdiction

Gadenavn eller kvarterets navn
Gadenavn eller kvarter Ostende Qvarteer A
Ejers navn,evt. husnr. og plantagenavn/husnavn ;1a; Mt. Welcome ;1a; Parcel of Mt. Welcome ;1b; Excerceerpladsen ;1c; Altona ;2a; Mt. Welcome ;2a; Parcel of Mt. Welcome ;2b; Elizas Retreat ;2b; St. Peters ;2c; Altona ;3a; St. Peters ;3b; Elizas Retreat ;3b; St. Peters ;3c; Elizas Retreat ;4; Boetzberg ;5; Altona ;6; Robertshill ;7; Boetzberg ;8; Mt. Pleasant ;9; Mt. Roepstorff & Southgatefarm ;10; Mt. Roepstorff & Southgatefarm ;11; Mt. Roepstorff & Southgatefarm ;12; Green Quay ;13; Green Quay ;14; Green Quay ;15; Coakleybay ;16a; Sevenhill ;16b; Coakleybay ;17; Union & Mt. Washington ;18a; Parara ;18b; Teparara ;18b; Parcel af Teparara ;19; All for the Better ;20; The Sight ;21; Marienhøi ;22; Lowryhill ;23a; Elizas Retreat ;23b; Carina ;24; Carina ;25a; Mt. Welcome ;25b; Elizas Retreat ;26a; La Prevalais ;26b; Castle Nugent ;27; Munster

Gadenavn eller kvarterets navn
Gadenavn eller kvarter Ostende Qvarteer A
Ejers navn,evt. husnr. og plantagenavn/husnavn ;28; Prospecthill ;29; Prospecthill ;30; Petronella; ;31; Sallysfancy ;32; Sight ;33; Union & Mt. Washington ;34; Union & Mt. Washington ;35; Cottongrove ;36; Elizas Retreat ;37; Great Pond ;38; Great Pond ;39a; Petronella ;39b; Fareham ;40; Fareham ;41; Castle Nugent ;42a; The Springs ;42b; The Springs ;42c; Land tilh. Longford ;42c; Land tilh. the Springs ;43a; Cottongrove ;43b; Mt. Fancy ;44; Shoys ;45a; Shoys ;45b; Annashope ;46a; Annashope ;46b; Annashope ;47; Greatpond ;48; Green Quay ;49a; Mt. Roepstorff & Sgatefarm (Southgatefarm) ;49b; Mt. Roepstorff & Southgatefarm ;50; Mt. Roepstorff & Southgatefarm ;51; Greatpond ;52; Hartmanns ;53; Hartmanns ;54; Hartmanns ;55; Hartmanns ;56; Greatpond ;57; Hartmanns ;58; Shoys ;59; Fareham ;60; Castle Nugent

Gadenavn eller kvarterets navn
Gadenavn eller kvarter Ostende Qvarteer B
Ejers navn,evt. husnr. og plantagenavn/husnavn ;1; Coakleybay ;2; Solitude ;3; Pleasant Valley ;4a; Pleasant Valley ;4b; Cottongrove ;4c; Little Profit ;5a; Cottongrove ;5b; Little Profit ;5c; Little Profit ;5d; Mt. Fancy ;6a; Mt. Retreat ;6b; Wood Cottage ;7a; Et Stk. Land tilh. B. Gumbs ;7b; Cotton Valley ;8a; Cotton Valley ;8b; Solitude ;9; Coakleybay ;10a; Solitude ;10b; Solitude ;11; Cotton Valley ;12a; Cotton Valley ;12b; Hope ;13a; Wood Cottage ;13b; Mellow Cliff ;13b; Parcel af Mellow Cliff ;14; Madam Carty ;15; Madam Carty ;16; Mellow Cliff ;17; Hope & Gartonhill ;18; Cotton Valley ;19; Cotton Valley ;20; Cotton Valley ;21; Cotton Valley ;22; Cathrineshope ;23; Cathrineshope ;24; Land tilh. Knight ;25; Land tilh. Knight ;26; Teaguebay ;27; Teaguebay ;28; Mob ;29a; Mob ;29b; Grapetreebay ;29c; Grapetreebay ;30; Grapetreebay

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